General Settings
User Accounts
Security Centre
Rate Management
Reservation Management
Folio and Invoicing
Internet Booking Engine (IBE)
Channel Manager and OTA Connections
- Channel Manager General Information
- Airbnb
- Booking.com
- Expedia
- Agoda
- Hostelworld
- Mr and Mrs Smith
- BBPlanet
- BestDay
- Easytobook
- Despegar
- Ctrip / Trip.com
- Feratel
- Switzerland Travel
- Jet2Holidays
- Tomas
- VRBO / Homeaway
- Traveloka
- Szállás.hu / Szállásgroup.hu
- Odigeo / eDreams
- iCal
- Revato (RoomGuru)
- JacTravel
- 101 Hotels
- TabletHotels
- Lastminute
- Splendia
- HostelsClub
- TravelRepublic
- Emerging Travel Group (Ostrovok)
- Hotelbeds
- Tripadvisor
- Hrs
Front Office Manager Application
Unified Inbox
Local Requirements
How to connect to Tomas
In order to connect to this channel, you should make the following steps:
1) In your SabeeApp account, go to Distribution / Channel manager / Channels / List of all channels menu, search for Tomas here and click the "Connect to channel button"
2) The next step is to fill in the table with the required data that you will find on the admin platform of Tomas.
3) After pushing the Save button, our customer support team will receive the connection request and will contact Tomas to enable to connection.
4) Tomas team will contact the appropriate touristic organisation who will send back the mapping details to SabeeApp customer support team.
5) We will proceed with the mapping and once the mapping is finalised and the synchronisation is on, we will inform you in an email.