Company / Property Settings

Other Settings

Setting up default currency, notification email settings and logo

Setting Your Default Currency in SabeeApp

Your default currency in SabeeApp determines how you enter accommodation and service prices. For example, if you select EUR as your default currency, you must input all prices in EUR under the Prices section.

This default currency does not need to match the currencies used by your online travel agencies (OTAs). For instance, if your SabeeApp default currency is EUR, but your Expedia account operates in HUF, you will still enter prices in EURwithin SabeeApp. An exchange rate will then be applied to convert prices between SabeeApp and Expedia.

To avoid complications, it's best to choose the correct currency before setting prices and connecting to any channels, as changing it later can be complex. If you need to change your  default currency, you must first adjust your prices accordingly and contact your account manager to change the currency in your account. 

Notification email

Define a notification email address to receive updates on new, modified, or canceled bookings. If no notification email is set, notifications will be sent to the property's email address. You can add more notification emails at the bottom of the page.

Select your preferred date format, name your VAT, VAT number on invoices, and city tax in your Sabee account.

Upload your company logo (minimum height 140px) to be displayed in confirmation emails, check-in cards, invoices, and the booking engine.